From an excerpt from an email from David Benavente (Coastal Resources Management, Saipan), dated Thursday, October 6th, 2011 (7:38am Saipan time):
So there is still power at the station and we did what you suggested. I climbed up the stick, first I checked the power supply and saw that the light was still blinking. I unplugged then replaced the power [cord]. But I wasn't properly able to check everything else, the swells were rocking pretty hard. We still weren't able to get a connection though. The plan is to try and head out there today and if the weather cooperates I'll try cycling the modem again.
Some more details were requested by Jim Hendee (AOML, Miami) in a message dated Thursday, October 6th, 2011 (11:30am Miami time):
I take the station is still in an upright position and not leaning? Glad it has been making it through the swells. Does anybody have an idea on just how bad the swells and winds were there in the Bay?
That led to this update from David on Friday, October 7th, 2011 (11:33am Saipan time):
6-9 ft maybe a little higher, The stick seems to be holding up well. Our field day got scrapped the other day. We do plan to head out there again next week.
Mike J+